Claremont Area Chapter of The Links, Incorporated
Goal: To increase and expand art activity, and elevate our programs through arts integration. Create an arts renaissance within our organization with programmatic efforts. Expose low income youths to the arts, through field trips to art exhibits and local art events. Collaboration with the community, local schools to enrich and increase their level of art appreciation.
Cecile de Ford came to our October Chapter Meeting and displayed some of her photography throughout her travels in North and South America, Central America, Europe, North Africa, East Africa, Southeast Asiam Inner Mongolia, Tibet, and the Couth Pacific She says she has met the most incredible hunan beings who were supportive, friendly, funnym and curious about her, a woman of color traveling alone.
Aaron Vereen is an acclaimed master drummer who fluent and vibrant style of drumming distinguishes his unique playing. Although Aaron continues to entertain people both onstage and though his recordings, he now strives to fulfill a higher calling: helping people find a sense of purpose and healing throiugh playing drums,. Aaron now hosts drum cirlces and workshops throughout the United States and Internationally. We are very please that Aaron will be coming to the Youth and Family Club of Pomona to work with the High School students this Fall.